
Senin, 23 Januari 2012

PT PN IV Yields Information System

PT PN IV Yields Information System

PT PN 4 has a very broad area of plantations in almost all regions in Indonesia.
This plantation areas were also reaching regions far enough until there are no public roads to reach the area. So it is not uncommon PT PN 4 had difficulty in collecting reports of garden crops. Thus making their gardens earnings report was delayed.

Problem Formulation:
Difficult access to the site of the plantation.
And duration of the process of sending reports yields of plantation area.

Make an online application to send information yields.
So that information can be sent by a phone or a PC to the main office.

Accelerate the transmission of information from the garden harvest PTPN IV.
So that earnings reports in the garden can be managed quickly.
Limitation: - Time 3 Months, for 3 hours per day excluding weekend. 66 days x 3 hours = 198 hours. - Funds Funds provided as much as Rp 15,000,000. - Area Field trip: Plantation PT. Adolina in Perbaungan. Office: Street No. 70 STM - Facilities and Infrastructure: 1 Unit PC, 1 Unit PC Server, Adobe Premium Collection Software, SQL Server 3.5 and guidebooks. - Personnel: 1 person. - Field of Science: Information Engineering.

1. Conduct a review of schedule files that come from the garden to the central office.
• Find out if the file that it came up on time or not.

2. Conduct interviews to employees working in the orchard.
• Knowing why a file that comes not arrive on time.

3. Conducting interviews to the leaders of the company.
• Inform all leaders of the company what the company should be provided to build information systems that will be made.

4. Designing DFD.
• Create a process flow of information systems that will be made.

5. Designing Reports will be given to the central office.
• Synchronizing a report with the data entered.

6. Designing the user interface.
• Set the interface to the input data that must sync with the DFD.

7. Perform database design and perform normalization on the Database.
• Creating a database can process data quickly.

8. Provide programming algorithm to the user interface.
• Enter the program code to an interface that has been made.

9. Upload files to the server and test the program.
• Moving all file system information to a server and test whether the Client can send information to the server.

10. Conduct a review of the schedule file that comes back.
• Know whether the file come on time or not.
Time Scheduling:

Week 1: Conduct a review of schedule files that come from the garden to the central office.
• Find out if the file that it came up on time or not.

Week 2: Conduct interviews to employees working in the orchard.
• Knowing why a file that comes not arrive on time.

Week 3: Conducting interviews to the leaders of the company.
• Inform all leaders of the company what the company should be provided to build information systems that will be made.

Week 4: Designing DFD.
• Create a process flow of information systems that will be made.

Week 5: Designing Reports will be given to the central office.
• Synchronizing a report with the data entered.

Week 6: Designing the user interface.
• Set the interface to the input data that must sync with the DFD.

Week 7: Perform database design and perform normalization on the Database.
• Creating a database can process data quickly.

Week 8 and Week9: Provide programming algorithm to the user interface.
• Enter the program code to an interface that has been made.

Week 10: Upload files to the server and test the program.
• Moving all file system information to a server and test whether the Client can send information to the server.

Week 11 and Week 12:. Conduct a review of the schedule file that comes back.
• Know whether the file come on time or not

Tools and Materials:
In doing the research, the tools and materials that needed is:
- Stationery (Book, Pen, Pencil, etc.)
- 1 Unit Laptop.
- 1 Unit Camera.
- 1 Unit Printer.
- 1 Unit Modem.
- PT PN IVinformation (history, profile, owner information, employee information, etc).
- Teory book about system information and website.
Read more!

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Method Of Research Exercise 3

Method Of Research 2 Read more!